From the Desk of the Director


The Government of India has identified the need for establishing NDTL as the sole organisation in the country for focusing on the mission of fair play and clean sports. We, at NDTL, are really indebted to GOI for their continued support and guidance all through ever since its creation. We are equally grateful to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for its sustained help and cooperation in our journey to achieve our mission.

Over the years, NDTL has grown into a premier research institute dedicated to anti-doping measures and developing global standards. It has also enhanced analytical testing qualitatively, developed new methods/protocols, and, in the process, sustained an effective fight against doping in sports. However, with the growing pace of doping research and advent of new drugs, methodology in testing, NDTL has to sustain the inquisitiveness to learn and be a better organisation than yesterday, for the welfare of the sportspersons at large. Notwithstanding, there always remains a scope for further improvement through research and development, and, NDTL is committed to share and acquire new knowledge/ideas and technology for meeting not only the umpteen new challenges of the present and future, but also to find people-friendly and globally acceptable solutions in dope testing.

“NDTL aims at promoting Anti-Doping Science and Research in the country.”

(Dr. P. L. Sahu)
Director & CEO/ I/C